Vault Viewer Preview

Last modified by Rob B on 2022/08/04 07:51

Free Apprentice Preview Version

We've cooked up a special version of the Pathfinder 2nd Edition Core rulebook that is available for free for everyone. This "Apprentice Preview" version is limited to a selection of core classes and ancestries, just like Hero Lab's free Apprentice accounts.

How to Access

Simply log in to Hero Lab Online, and click the new "Vault" button at the top of the app to get started!

Planned Future Updates

  • The entire Pathfinder 2nd Edition library, fully inter-woven and cross-connected
  • Even greater control over filtering and searching content
  • Integration with Hero Lab's Character Creation system
  • Full-text Search (keyword-based search is currently available)
  • Browsable image gallery (images can currently be searched for by keywords)
  • Browsable index of tables and sidebars (tables and sidebars can currently be searched for by name)
  • Much more!

Preview Limitations

  • Only the Fantasy theme is currently supported within the Vault Library. This will be switched on automatically when you enter or leave the Vault Library.
  • We are still working on improving content linking
  • We are still working on improving content formatting
  • We are still working on features to make better use of available space on large screens
  • We are still working on improving the behavior and layout on small phone-sized displays
  • We are still working on more graceful handling when network conditions degrade, such as spotty WiFi
  • We are still working on overall performance in a number of areas

Known Issues

  • Tables, Sidebars, and Images are not displayed in the recent history.
  • Certain search results and link currently report errors, notably links to tables under the keyword results for mundane weapons, mundane armor, mundane gear, and cleric domains. Searching for the table itself directly (e.g. Melee Weapons) is the recommended workaround.
  • Search history can sometimes have blank items appear. It is recommended to delete these items.
  • With a search entered, reloading the page will cause the search text to still be visible, but there will be no search results. Clearing the search with the delete button (or any other method) and searching again (such as clicking a search history item) is the recommended workaround.
  • In some cases, search results farther down (less relevant) won't be sorted correctly relative to each other.