Important Highlights

New Content

  • PF2 - Monster Core is now available! Unlock Now
  • PF2 - The Seven Dooms for Sandpoint adventure path is now available! Unlock Now

Important Notes

  • PF2 - Various minor PFS updates have been applied for item availability.
  • PF2 - Functionality of the skill grid has been improved to allow for more consistent selection of alternate skills when multiple sources grant training (or certain other proficiency increases).


The Nitty Gritty

Changes and Improvements

  • Added a color-coded indicator to the dice roller when a d20 rolls a natural 20 or a natural 1
  • PF2/TotV - Added a display of half and double damage to the dice roller for certain spells

Bug Fixes

  • PF2 - The bard's Loremaster's Etude feat was missing its description.
  • PF2 - The bard's Uplifting Overture feat was missing.
  • PF2 - The cleric's Syncretism feat was not allowing the selection of a domain from the second deity.
  • PF2 - The fighter's Crashing Slam feat wasn't validating its prereq correctly.
  • PF2 - The swashbuckler's Tumble Behind feat was displaying an incorrect description.
  • PF2 - Dual-class characters were unable to apply a class archetype per class.
  • PF2 - The metal elemental animal companion had the wrong constitution modifier.
  • PF2 - Personal staves now simply allow the selection of their theme trait, such as "Summon", which their added spells must match.
  • PF2 - Personal staves were unable to add cantrips.
  • PF2 - The Weapon Proficiency adjustment can now select from weapon groups.
  • PF2 - The Mantle of the Magma Heart spell adjustment's Fiery Grasp option was reporting an error.
  • PF1 - The Redistributed Might feat wasn't validating its prereq correctly.
  • TV - HD can now be spent for healing during a short rest.
  • Fixed "Nat 1" being displayed in the dice roller under incorrect circumstances
  • Campaigns - Fixed players seeing an "End Session" button when clicking the active game session indicator. The button would not function for players, but it wasn't intended to be visible.

Patch at 3:15 Pacific

  • PF2 - Added Vault characters for Monster Core and Seven Dooms for Sandpoint

Patch 2024-03-29

  • PF2 - Fixed improper validation errors on a number of classes

Patch 2024-04-03

  • PF2 - Monster Core was still unselectable and marked as "Purchase Required" in Campaigns Rules Sources after Monster Core was purchased
  • SR6 - Characters were failing to print to PDF
  • PF2 - When transforming a dual-class character to use remaster content, both classes would be moved into the first class table, rather than one being in each of the first and second class tables. This was resulting in various errors on the character, such as incorrect total HP.
  • PF2 - The Additional Lore feat was appearing as a column on the skill grid, even if it was for a predefined lore and there was no choice to be made.
  • PF2 - Additional refinements have been made to the validation reports for selections on the skill grid.
Lone Wolf Development, Inc.