New Content

New Features

  • Printing now allows splitting up all the output choices into separate PDFs (or retaining the single PDF that was previously generated). These PDFs can be individually saved or opened in most browsers (subject to what capabilities the browser supports).
  • The list of recent printouts is available via the application menu for later retrieval (until the printout expires on the server).

Changes and Improvements

  • Tweaked selection inputs to make it more clear how they work.
  • PF2 - This removed the redundant empty headers over Focus and Innate spells on the Play tab.
  • On choose forms, made it more clear which validation messages apply to the currently selected choice and which apply to the table as a whole.
  • Table validations will now show up on the top of choose forms when in list-only view

Client Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where some table validations (Typically "Resource Overspent/Underspent" type validations) would not appear on the choose form.
  • Fixed an issue where the move gear menu would not close after selecting options that open confirmation dialogs.
  • PF1 - Fixed a horizontal scrollbar incorrectly appearing in the Print Character dialog
  • PF2 & SF - Fixed an issue where custom items would default to the standard price option with no buy button.
  • PF1 - Fixed an issue where custom gear would would default to the standard price option, which would result in an error if you tried to use it.
  • SR6 - Fixed an issue where custom items or items with variable costs could not be acquired during character creation.
  • Campaigns - Fixed an issue with the shared character options in campaign settings - Settings that were supposed to use radio buttons were using checkboxes instead.
Lone Wolf Development, Inc.