2020-05-21 (Build 5B58544)

Last modified by Joe T on 2020/05/21 20:00

Client Changes and Improvements

  • When a new Journal entry is created, it automatically gets the current real world date and time (though you can edit this to make an entry in the past or future)
  • Reformatted the journal table layout for readability and compactness
  • Changed the Journal to sort its entries by the real world date
  • Removed controls for editing journal entry dates from directly on the table. They are still available in the journal details window, where all the other fields are present. This solves some issues with unexpected sorting when changing the date, and makes the whole workflow more consistent.
  • When viewing a minion character, adds a link back to the master character at the top of the navigation panel
  • On the Play tab for characters with minions, added an ellipsis menu with a button to open the minion (as a slightly more convenient shortcut than opening the row's details window).
  • Adds a link to the release notes to the application menu in the upper right corner of the app
  • Campaigns - When a GM attempts to modify a player's character that they are viewing in readonly mode, an informational message is now displayed explaining that GMs can't make changes to a character that they don't expressly own and control, instead of a "Write access denied" error message that was previously displayed.

Bug fixes

  • Fixes images never loading and displaying a loading spinner instead for campaign characters in various situations
  • Fixes an error that would occur when attempting to delete an image from the gallery when it was still assigned to the current character
  • Images will temporarily be displayed at a slightly smaller size than they previously were on the Profile tab, until a permanent internal fix can be implemented
  • PF2 PFS - Fixed a layout issue on the Character > Profile tab that would cause horizontal scrolling
  • Campaigns - Fixes an intermittent "failed to retrieve requested leads" error that would sometimes happen when the GM ended a session
  • Campaigns - Fixes characters changed from Off Camera to On Camera or Out of Action during tactical mode not showing up in the list of characters displayed to players